Sunday, May 9, 2010

5 lovely things I'm grateful of this week.

.my dearest Mama. she brought me into this world, raised me with such values, I hold the utmost appreciation for all she has done for me and for having so much faith in me.

.the farmers markets - organic, healthy, locally grown = fresh ingredients.

.music - there is a song for every emotion.
.stainless steel water bottle, I don't leave the house without it.
.scents for the senses.
What are you grateful for?

love, peace & trees
Sammie xoxo

Mothers Day Love

Today is Mothers Day. A day of thanks to our Mothers, Grandmothers and Mother In-laws.
I'd like to share with you the wording of a card I bought my Mama this year for Mother's Day. (Yes, bought... I was a bit short of time this week, however I made up for it by preparing a high tea spread for them, we had a ball). I hope you and your mothers had a wonderful day. Enjoy the poem, it meant a lot to Mama and I at this time.

My Mother, My Friend
To have a friend in your mother
is to know the greatest friendship of all.

As the years have come and gone,
our relationship has changed
and we've come to share
more things with one another...
A deeper understanding
and a special kind of friendship
few people can imagine
with their Mother.

We share a certain openness
and willingness to listen...
We share so many
common interests too...
And everything in life
is more enjoyable for me
because of all we share...
because of you.

Happy Mothers Day.

love, peace & trees
Sammie xoxo

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

BugHuggin' Love

HAPPY WEDNESDAYlovely petals! 
how's your week been, thus far?

here's what I've been up to:
with the cool change in weather, I've been inspired to knit myself a scarf to colour myself warm... and I wont just stop at one... my plan is to knit all sorts; green, blue, brown, orange, grey, multi... the list is endless!

also... I've been making cards. It was my darling Grandma's birthday and I really wanted to make an effort this year... however it was a bit of a rushed effort as I needed to mail it. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S ALMOST MAY!!

 Have you purchased issue 5 of peppermint mag yet?? huh?... huh?!?!  It's theeee most brilliant magazine (in my eyes)
If you're interested in eco fashion, beauty, handmade art & craft, homewares, articles with a conscience and much, much more... *takes deep breath* then peppermint is the magazine for you.
issue 5 is especially the mag for you, if you're planning a green wedding!

Well, it's that time... must rest my droopy eyes, as I have a long day ahead of me.  I'm doing a short course in silver clay on Thursday's after work... it's brilliant!!  Can't wait to show you the results!!  So, may that be an elvish goodnight to you and have yourself a magical Thursday!

love, peace & trees
Sammie xoxo

Monday, April 26, 2010

5 lovely things I'm grateful of this week.

.the birds and the bees.
.clean sheets.
.the years I got to spend with Grandad.
.being Australian.

.the men and women who, passed and present,
served our country in all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
what are you grateful of this week?

love & peace to you

sammie xo

Hello Sunshine!

'Lovely Flower' is the South American Indian meaning for Samantha, which (obviously) happens to be my given name, but you can call me, Sammie.  I am part South American Indian and my great, great Grandmother was the daughter of an Indian Chief, but that's a topic for another fine day.

The purpose of my blog, Lovely Flower, is to share my thoughts on all things lovely, to support our beautiful environment, spread awareness to others, promote an eco friendly lifestyle; and lastly to bring creativity back into my life. 

Art and Craft has played a huge part in my upbringing and I was taught by my utmost inspirations, Mama & Grandma.  I had planned to study Photography and Fine Arts at University, however being such a competitive industry the O.P. needed was a bit higher than what I could achieve at that time.  So, I decided to take a year off study, get amongst the big wide World around us and get a full time job... and that's where I've been these past 6 years. Working in various positions within a large Government organisation has provided me with so much knowledge and also appreciation for where I am today. I very much enjoy my job, however being distracted in the daily-goings-on in life, I pushed away my dreams, passions and goals to the back of the shelf...

I'm one of those believer's of 'everything happens for a reason'.  I believe, if I went to study I wouldn't have the particular friends I treasure so dearly.  I never would have met my rock, my love, my life.  We never would have purchased our lovely home, in the outer 'burbs, where the trees grow tall.  I wouldn't have the respect for Mother Earth, as I show her today.  My mind is always thinking back to my past and all the things I could be creating in my spare time.  So, I decided for 2010, that it's time to bring those thoughts and passions out from the back of that dusty shelf.  To inspire me daily, get my butt into gear and keep pursuing my goals... and now here I am, to share it all with you. 
I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. 
Nighty, Night!

love & peace to you

sammie xo